Timeless Provia SOOC Film Recipe For Fujifilm Cameras

Mood: Classic, Muted, Film-Look

Muted Provia Film-Look Recipe for Fujifilm Cameras

It has been a while and let’s get back to the basics with some simple film recipes. The Timeless Provia SOOC Recipe is a custom film simulation and camera settings that is created for all kind of shooting conditions and is suitable for urban street photos and portraits. Probably this is one of the first Fujifilm recipes that are made using the Provia/Standard and I think it does look great.

Great news! Timeless Provia, the film simulation recipe based on the Fujifilm Provia film simulation, is compatible with all Fujifilm cameras, including the older X-Trans sensors, the X-Trans IV, and the latest X-Trans V cameras.

Whether you’re using an older Fujifilm camera or the latest model, you can achieve the same muted, film-like look that Timeless Provia provides. This makes it a versatile all-in-one film recipe for Fujifilm users who want to create a consistent and cohesive look across their work. If you are looking for a more dreamy and cinematic look kind of custom settings, then no doubt the 2023 recipe called Ethereal Street is the one to go for.

So, regardless of the Fujifilm camera you use, you can apply this recipe to achieve the desired timeless look in your photos. Follow the recipe’s settings and make any necessary adjustments based on your shooting conditions and preferences.

What Timeless Provia SOOC Recipe Is All About?

Timeless Provia is a film simulation recipe based on the Fujifilm Provia film simulation that will give your photos a muted, film-like look perfect for creating a timeless feel, regardless of the lighting conditions. It’s optimized to work well in both shaded and harsh sunlight environments.

If your camera doesn’t support certain settings like the Color Chrome Effect or FX Blue due to having an older X-Trans sensor, don’t worry, as the difference will be subtle, and you can still achieve excellent results.

The Timeless Provia film simulation recipe features several key adjustments to achieve its muted, film-like look. First, the color tone has been reduced to decrease saturation, creating a more subtle and subdued color palette. This helps to create a timeless feel that is perfect for any type of photography.

Additionally, the shadow setting has been slightly increased to lift the shadows and bring out more details, making it especially useful for portrait photography. This allows for a more nuanced and dynamic look, even in challenging lighting conditions.

Finally, the sharpness setting has been reduced to -1, which achieves a softer look without appearing too blurry. This helps to create a more organic and natural feel to the images, which complements the muted color palette and shadow adjustments.

These settings have been carefully fine-tuned to work in harmony, creating a consistent look and feel across all types of photography, from portraits to street scenes. By applying one of the custom Provia recipes to your Fujifilm camera, you can achieve stunning results that capture the essence of film photography in a modern, digital format.

Timeless Provia SOOC Recipe Custom Settings

Film Simulation










Noise Reduction


Grain Effect / Grain Size


Color Chrome Effect / FX Blue

Strong / Strong

WB / Color Temperature

Daylight, Red 1 & Blue -1

Exposure Compensation

Up to +1/3


Auto up to ISO 6400



Dynamic Range


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