This weekend I was having a breakdown, I was having another lucid dream and this time I was the bad guy and planning to kidnap a puppy away from its mother, forgot for what reason.

I saw an adult dog with its puppy, I was trying to kidnap it but with the intention to but also with a little hesitation, I was trying to make a decision in my dream. Wow, what an extraordinary dream!

It took awhile to think if I want to take the puppy away, then I tried to remove the puppy from its mother and tried run away, but eventually I pity the mother dog. That was when that feeling came. I pity the dog in my dream, so I put down the puppy which I was holding, I guess, back to its place. Then I left the place. I woke up. I woke up with a heavy feeling and I was fckng sobbing, seriously!

OMG. I think I’m not a good kidnapper in my dream. Luckily Batman didn’t appear in my dream, otherwise, I will get caught and be brought to justice. Perhaps should add Wonder Woman and Superman too. If Wonder Woman appeared in my dream, WOW! I will be very happy loh! HAHAHAAHAH. Way out of topic. Jokes. By the way, can’t wait to watch Justice League this November 17 and my Wonder Woman Blu-ray that I’ve bought from Amazon US will arrive soon.

Wonder Woman
Not sure what this dream about, my daily lifestyle seems awesome and I don’t have any pets in real life, I guess it’s just a dream. But why want to make me cry, puppy in the dream! ???

In real life, this dream might means that humans are not supposed to have bad intention to do bad to other human beings and not to make other peoples unhappy in life. Might also mean not to interfere with people’s around. That might be the lesson or message of the dream. IMO.

But why me? LOL.
