Street photography is an exciting way to capture real-life moments as they happen. One of the best parts is photographing candid street moments—those unplanned, natural scenes that tell a story. But getting a good candid shot can be tricky, as it takes skill, timing, and the ability to blend into your surroundings. In this guide, we’ll explain how to capture candid street moments in street photography.

What Is a Candid Street Moment?

A candid street moment is when you capture a real, unposed scene. The subject doesn’t know they’re being photographed, which makes the photo feel natural and full of emotion. Here’s what makes a moment candid:

  • Unplanned: The person doesn’t know they’re being photographed.
  • Emotion: The picture shows real emotion or feeling.
  • Context: The background helps tell the story.
  • Action: The photo captures something happening in the moment.

Tips for Capturing Candid Street Moments

1. Blend Into the Crowd

To take good candid street moments, you need to stay unnoticed. If people see you, they might act differently, and you’ll lose that natural feel. Here’s how you can blend in:

  • Dress simply: Wear clothes that match the environment so you don’t stand out.
  • Use a small camera: A compact camera such as the Ricoh GR III is less noticeable than a big DSLR.
  • Move slowly: Don’t make sudden moves, as they can draw attention.

When you blend in, people will act naturally, which helps you capture those authentic candid street moments.

2. Use Zone Focusing

Focusing quickly can be hard in street photography. A great way to capture candid street moments is by using zone focusing. This is when you set your camera to focus on a specific distance (3-5 meters ahead) and take pictures when people walk into that area.

To zone focus:

  • Set your camera to manual focus.
  • Use a small aperture (f/8 or f/11) to make more of the scene in focus.
  • Set your focus distance to where you expect people to be.

Another option is pre-focus, where you focus on a specific spot, like a bench or a doorway, and wait for your subject to move into the scene, creating perfect candid street moments.

3. Use a Fast Shutter Speed

Candid street moments happen fast, so a quick shutter speed is important. A faster shutter speed helps you freeze action and avoid blurry shots. For general street photography, set your shutter speed to 1/250th of a second or higher. For faster subjects, like moving cars or people walking quickly, try 1/500th or even 1/1000th of a second to freeze those fleeting candid street moments.

4. Anticipate the Moment

Great candid street moments often come down to timing. Learn to predict what might happen next by watching the people around you. Look for clues like eye contact, gestures, or facial expressions that signal when something interesting is about to happen.

For example, if two people are walking toward each other, they might greet each other with a handshake or hug. By anticipating this moment, you can be ready to capture it when it happens, creating a beautiful candid street moment.

5. Use Burst Mode

Street scenes are unpredictable, so using burst mode (continuous shooting mode) is helpful. This lets you take several pictures in a row by holding down the shutter button. Burst mode increases your chances of capturing the perfect candid street moment, especially when action happens quickly.

Most cameras, including Fujifilm X-Series models, have burst mode settings that allow you to shoot multiple frames per second. Afterward, you can pick the best shot from the series, giving you the best chance to capture the perfect candid street moments.

6. Shoot in Busy Areas

The more people around, the easier it is to capture candid street moments. Busy places like markets, parks, or streets full of pedestrians give you plenty of opportunities. In these areas, people are often too focused on what they’re doing to notice you.

When shooting in busy places:

  • Look for interesting actions or interactions between people.
  • Use the crowd to frame your shot.
  • Capture both the main subject and the activity around them to create layers and depth, making your candid street moments more impactful.

7. Shoot from the Hip

“Shooting from the hip” means holding your camera at waist level instead of bringing it up to your eye. This technique helps you take photos without drawing attention to yourself. It’s useful in crowded spaces or when you want a more casual angle for your candid street moments.

Modern cameras with flip screens, like many Fujifilm models, make this easier because you can see what you’re capturing without having to raise the camera to your face. Shooting from the hip may take some practice, but it often results in creative and unexpected candid street moments.

8. Try Black and White Photography

Black and white photos can make candid street moments feel timeless and help focus on emotions and expressions. By removing color, you can highlight light, shadows, and textures, making your candid street moment stand out.

Fujifilm cameras have excellent built-in film simulations, such as Monochrome, Acros, or B&W film recipes, that create beautiful black-and-white images. Experiment with these settings to see what works best for your candid street moments.

9. Respect People’s Privacy

While candid street photography is legal in most public places, it’s important to be respectful. If someone asks you not to take their picture or to delete a photo, it’s best to honor their request.

When you’re unsure about photographing someone, you can politely ask for permission after taking the photo. Most people will appreciate that you asked and may be more open to having their candid street moments captured.

10. Tell a Story

The best candid street moments tell a story. Think about the scene as a whole and how the person or people in it fit into the environment. Look for moments that show emotion, action, or interaction between people. By capturing a story, you make your candid street moments more powerful.

When you see an interesting scene, take a moment to consider the setting, lighting, and people involved. Use the background to provide context that enhances the story behind the candid street moment.


Capturing candid street moments in street photography takes practice, patience, and quick thinking. By blending into your environment, using street photography techniques like zone focusing and fast shutter speeds, and anticipating the perfect moment, you’ll be able to capture natural, unplanned scenes that tell powerful stories.

With these tips, you can take your street photography to the next level and create images that truly capture the heart of candid street moments. The streets are full of life—now it’s your turn to capture it!