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Using the grid, also known as the framing guideline, is a key part of photography. It helps you arrange your shot to make your subject stand out while keeping the image balanced. If you use any Fujifilm X-Series cameras like the X-Pro3, X100VI, X-T5, or X-H2, enabling the Framing Guideline setting can help you improve your photography skills and techniques, such as street photography composition. In this guide, we’ll show you how to set up and use the Framing Guideline setting on Fujifilm cameras to take better photos.

What Is the Framing Guideline Setting?

fujifilm framing guideline menu setting

The Framing Guideline setting on Fujifilm cameras displays lines on your LCD screen or viewfinder that help you position your subject for better composition. A common option is the Rule of Thirds, which divides your screen into nine equal parts with two horizontal and two vertical lines. This helps you place your subject at points where the lines meet, creating a more balanced and interesting image.

Fujifilm cameras offer several grid options, making it easier to choose the one that best suits your photography style.

Why Use the Framing Guideline Setting For Fujifilm Cameras?

  • Better Composition: It helps you organize your shot by showing where your subject should be positioned.
  • Consistency: No matter what type of photo you’re taking—portraits, landscapes, or street photography—this setting ensures your shots are framed consistently.
  • Professional Look: Using composition rules like the Rule of Thirds can make your photos look more polished and professional.

How to Set the Framing Guideline on Fujifilm Cameras

Follow these simple steps to enable the Framing Guideline setting on your Fujifilm camera:

Fujifilm Menu Settings Framing Guideline

1. Open the Setup Menu

Turn on your camera and press the MENU/OK button to access the main menu.

Fujifilm Screen Setup Framing Guideline Setting Menu

2. Go to Screen Setup

In the menu, scroll down to find the SET-UP option, and then go to SCREEN SET-UP. This is where you’ll find the options for display settings.

Set Fujifilm Framing Guideline

3. Select Framing Guideline

Inside the SCREEN SET-UP menu, look for the FRAMING GRID option. This is the Framing Guideline setting that will allow you to turn on gridlines on your display.

Fujifilm Framing Guideline Grid Street Photography

4. Choose Your Grid Type

Fujifilm gives you several grid options to choose from:

  • Grid 9: A 3×3 grid perfect for the Rule of Thirds.
  • Grid 24: A detailed grid with smaller divisions for more precise framing.
  • HD Framing: A wider grid for shooting videos or cinematic shots.

Pick the one that works best for your needs, and press OK to activate it.

5. Adjust Display Brightness (Optional)

If you’re shooting in bright sunlight and the grid is hard to see, you can increase the screen brightness. Go to the BRIGHTNESS option under SCREEN SET-UP and adjust it to make the guidelines more visible.

Using Grid As Guide

After enabling the Grid setting, the gridlines appear on your camera screen or viewfinder. Here’s how to use them:

Tips for Using the Framing Guideline Setting

  • Stay Creative: While the guidelines help with composition, don’t feel like you always need to follow them strictly. Use them as a guide but be open to experimenting with different compositions.
  • Switch Between Viewfinder and LCD: You can use either the viewfinder or the LCD to compose your shots. The gridlines will stay visible in both modes, so use whichever feels more comfortable.
  • Practice: The more you use the Framing Guideline setting, the easier it will be to compose balanced shots. Try it with different types of photography, from portraits to landscapes.
  • Use for Videos: If you shoot videos, the HD Framing grid is great for keeping your subjects centered and within the frame.


The Framing Guideline setting on Fujifilm cameras is a powerful tool that can help you improve your photography. Whether you’re new to photography or have more experience, turning on the gridlines on your Fujifilm camera will help you compose better, more balanced images. It’s easy to set up, and you can choose from different grid options to suit your style.

By using the Framing Guideline setting for Fujifilm cameras regularly, you’ll develop a stronger sense of composition and improve the overall quality of your photos. Now that you know how to set it up, grab your Fujifilm camera and start experimenting with different framing techniques to take your photography to the next level!