Ilford Delta 3200 35mm film

Ilford DELTA 3200 Professional Film, 36 Exposures

Ilford Delta 3200 is a high-speed black-and-white 35mm film designed for low-light conditions and fast action. Known for its exceptional grain structure and wide exposure latitude, it captures stunning detail and contrast.


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Ilford Delta 3200 is a panchromatic black-and-white film that excels in extremely low-light conditions, making it ideal for indoor photography, night scenes, and high-speed action shots. With a nominal ISO of 3200, this film offers remarkable sensitivity, allowing you to shoot in challenging lighting without sacrificing image quality.

Delta 3200 features a fine grain structure, ensuring that even at high speeds, your images retain sharpness and clarity. Its wide exposure latitude allows for flexibility in development, making it suitable for push-processing up to EI 6400, giving you creative options for various shooting scenarios. Whether you’re capturing fleeting moments at a concert, atmospheric street scenes at night, or dynamic action shots, Ilford Delta 3200 delivers stunning results with rich contrast and smooth tonal transitions. This film is a go-to choice for photographers looking to create striking black-and-white imagery in low-light environments.


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